The score card below essentially constitutes an entire chapter of Georges Hébert’s Guide Pratique de la Méthode Naturelle. I am offering you an early preview of the translated version with the annotations for scoring or properly executing the test (formatting of document here not end product, btw…)
Twelve tests, twelve events, twelve labors (“Hercules! Hercules!”).
[1] Any height is considered clear when no part of the body made contact with either the rope or the bar indicating the height. At the start of the jump with no momentum, it is forbidden to position the feet so as to create a bounce or to overstep.
[2] Distance is measured from the line of jump to the closest heel, assuming the jumper didn’t fall back after the landing.
[3] The start position for the climb is seated on the ground and ascending is performed without the assistance of the legs.
[4] Momentum is generated in a 2-square meters perimeter; it is forbidden to step outside the perimeter. The throwing distance is measured from the forward line of the square to the divot created by the landing of the weight. Scoring distance is calculated by averaging a left hand and a right hand throw.
[5] Testing is performed with successive lifts, or repetitions, to full lockout of the legs. Pause between repetitions is 1 second, arms locked straight and vertical, forward leaning trunk. The negative points scale refers to lifts lighter than 40kg at a rate of 1 point for every 5kg/11lb.
[6] The swimming distance must be performed without a noticeable favorable current.
[7] The body must be fully submerged. The negative scoring scale is established with a rate of 1 point for every second under the 10-second baseline.
The other part of the chapter is an example of scoring of four (actual) tested individuals (shortly before the original publication of Hébert’s book). But you’ll have to get the translated book for that once I’m done. Slight spoiler alert: it’s going to make you long for days of future past! Not the recent X-men movie, but hoping that our fitness future is built upon the solidity of the past rather than the state of the present…