Seriously? On National TV?

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I was watching one of my favorite train wrecks yesterday, The Biggest Loser.

It seems the trainers are learning and evolving to be more constructive rather than all-out mean. I still dislike that they the way one of them uses kettlebells is inappropriate (using way advanced skills, like balancing on an upside down kettlebell, which is difficult but doesn’t accomplish more than a good old plank).
Anyway, one of the eliminated contestants winds up meeting with a former contestant who was his team partner the previous season. The guy had ballooned up to what seemed to be a heavier weight than when he had started. When questioned about his weight loss, he said he had other priorities and that he just wants to relax, and that when he takes care of other things, the weight will come off. What a crock!
The eliminated contestant expressed his concern for his buddy, seeing as he recognized in him what he used to do: make excuses, stay comfortable and in denial. I remember that same person going home for a visit, trying to eat healthy meals but saying he couldn’t find things he likes (he was a corn dog and fries guy), and his family (all morbidly obese by the way) telling him “you can do it” as they stuff themselves with fries!
So, here he is, a season later, bigger than ever, having blown an opportunity like TBL, with all the nutrition, support and training you can unrealistically get! I hope that the folks in his position can use this as a wake-up call and find the inspiration and motivation to be honest with themselves and that he became an unsuspecting herald for a condition that affects 2/3 of the US population.
There is nothing more important that your health. Not your family, your children or your work. And before you chastise me for saying I am a fitness nazi, which I am not, just ponder the consequences for not being healthy:
a) Diabetes.
b) Heart disease.
c) Cancer.
If these 3 don’t feel like they affect you, think about it when you are unable to care for yourself, or unable to care for your family because you cannot work. Or, when you suffer a heart attack, how it’s going to affect your children. You chronological age is a number, but your real age may be higher, meaning you may be 20 years old on your passport, but be over 40 (and not a healthy 40, in which a 40 y.o. person can have a real age of 20 something). So that heart attack is right around the corner.
And, oftentimes, it’s not one or the other. You can get the trifecta of conditions and become the super-villain Metabolic Syndrome X!How much trust should you place in someone who cannot even manage #1?
Be a hero: be healthy. Heroes always overcome hardships, get out of their way for the greater good. The greater good is taking care of your health. Everything else stems from it. Everything. Don’t believe me? Let’s debate.

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