Table of Contents: Book 2

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Ch.I: General Considerations. (goal and benefits, difference between execution and application, freehand vs use of equipment…)

Ch. II: Principles of execution of the basic educational exercises. (Upright Stance, alignment, amplitude of movement, cadence, pauses, movement quality…)

CH. III: Upright Stance And Fundamental Arm Positions. (practical application, benefits and body positioning in the Upright Stance…)

Ch. IV: Arm Exercises. (frontal, lateral & backwards elevation, ways to execute arm movements, benefits…)

Ch. V: Leg Exercises With Various Arm Positions. (toe elevation, straight leg elevation forward, back and laterally, leg flexion, slits forward, sideways and backwards…)

Ch. VI: Suspension/Hanging Exercises.

Ch. VII: Support Exercises (straight arm, single arm, lateral support, benefits…)

Ch. VIII: Balancing exercises (single leg balance forward, sideways, backwards, 12 ways to execute balance exercises…)

Ch. IX: Hopping (vs Jumping in book 3).

Ch. X: Trunk Exercises (torsion, rotation, extension, flexion along with various arm and leg positions…)

Ch. XI: Breathing Exercises (combined with leg, arm or other movements).

Ch. XII: Classic exercises of the arms, legs and trunk with equipment (portable or fixed, max resistance for loading and training).

NOTE: this constitute the primer for training, the specialized warm-up and “systems check” as well as corrective/pre-hab training required before going into Book 3 which revolves around the indispensable exercises (marching/walking, running, jumping, swimming, climbing, lifting, throwing and defensive tactics).

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